The Boba Tea started from our passion for bubble tea, and wanting to bring the best in boba tea to the metro Detroit area. Our founders are true drink explorers at our core – we enjoy traveling the globe, and are always searching for new and delicious drinks to enjoy. When our owners fell in love with boba tea, they knew they had to introduce as many people to it as possible.

Bubble tea (also known as pearl milk tea, bubble milk tea, or boba) (Chinese: 珍珠奶茶; pinyin: zhēnzhū nǎichá, 波霸奶茶; bōbà nǎichá) is a Taiwanese tea-based drink invented in Tainan and Taichung in the 1980s.[1] Recipes contain tea of some kind, flavors of milk, and sugar (optional). Toppings, known as “pearls”, such as chewy tapioca balls (also known as pearls or boba), popping boba, fruit jelly, grass jelly, agar jelly, and puddings are often added. Ice-blended versions are frozen and put into a blender, resulting in a slushy consistency.
-Words that we genuinely desire to share with each guest who enjoys our Boba Tea. We understand the importance of superior ingredients and aim to provide a unique twist on the popular and highly acclaimed traditional Taiwanese beverage.

Follow us on Instagram @bobabar and show us your deliciousness with the tag #bobabar